Dallas Bonavita graduated from Western Carolina University with a degree in Management, focused on Parks and Recreation. After graduation, Dallas got involved with Note in the Pocket (NITP) and was named the Executive Director in 2013 after being involved with NITP since its early beginnings. Note in the Pocket is a non-profit that helps clothe kids and their families with dignity to help support their educational, personal, and professional success. Dallas fiercely advocates for children, hoping to ensure success in and out of the classroom and does this through Note in the Pocket. Note in the Pocket has primarily worked in Raleigh, but is expanding to Durham to help clothe as many children in NC as possible! Dallas hopes to spread awareness on clothing insecurity as it also impacts educational achievements, similarly to food insecurity. Dallas believes by not only ensuring kids are fed but also clothed with confidence will be a pivotal movement to helping end the cycle of poverty as it empowers and supports the next generation.